Thursday 30 July 2015

Back On The Band Wagon

October 2013 I started a weightloss journey that changed my life. In just 5 months I had started educating myself about nutrition and clean eating as well as exercising. By March 2014 I had lost 4 stone and was a completely different person. For the first time in my life I liked what I looked like and actually felt healthy.

At the end of July 2014 I found out I was pregnant which was an amazing surprise but led me back to my old eating habits. For the first 3 months of my pregnancy I felt very ill. I wouldn't say I had bad morning sickness compared to some people I know but I was sick several times a day and just felt like I had the world's worst hangover which lasted about 12 weeks.
At that time I just ate what I fancied as more often that not some of it was coming back up again and I spent a good 5 weeks in bed with very little energy.

Once the sickness was over I did start eating healthier but chocolate and cake became a big part of my diet again. Also because I felt so exhausted through a lot of my pregnancy (let's face it my diet didn't help this) I often opted for a takeaway after work as I couldn't be bothered to cook.

I never actually weighed myself whilst pregnant I knew it would upset me so once having Molly in April I decided to jump back on the scales and see the damage. Obviously I know everyone puts on weight whilst pregnant and I actually expected the scales to be higher than they were. I was 3 stone heavier than I was when I was at my smallest in march 2014. That might seem a lot to some people but I honestly thought I had put on a lot more.
I managed to lose the first stone quite quickly as I think a lot of it was water retention and all the other stuff that comes with pregnancy and then I lost another half stone in about month.
I am currently 1st 5lbs away from my smallest and I just can't keep at it and shift it.

I am all about balance, I have always had one meal a week where I eat what I want, I don't believe in depriving yourself. I wasn't on a particular diet just clean eating, no processed foods and cutting down on refined sugar which I have tried to get back too. I have a really good week and then I will have a few days or even a week where I binge eat again and it all goes to pot. I really want to get my head back to it because once I do, it is easy and I know I can do it.

My other challenge is exercise, before having molly I worked out 5 times a week, either jogging or going to the gym neither which I can do now. I need to get myself a routine going that I can do at home whilst Molly is playing or taking a nap.
I am a morning workout girl as it sets me up for the day, by the time the evening comes round I am exhausted even more so now, it also Molly's bad time as she suffers with colic.
I make myself go out for a walk most days as I am not one of these people that can sit around all day but that isn't enough to get rid of this jelly belly.

I am not really sure where I am going with this post I just wanted to write it all down to see if it will inspire me to get back on track.
If you have any tips and tricks do let me know. Also if you have any advice on work outs I can do at home that would be great too.

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